Crafting with toddlers is more than just a fun activity—it’s a magical journey of creativity, exploration, and bonding. From colorful finger paintings to whimsical collages, there’s no limit to the wonders you can create together.
I, myself, have always enjoyed crafting and use it as a stress reliever. Before kids, I spent hours making projects on my Cricut and even opened an Etsy shop for a short time and made money from it. Since having kids, I don't have as much free time to do my own crafts, but still enjoy incorporating them into the crafts. It's fun for them and gives me a short break from having toys thrown all over my house.
Crafting offers a multitude of benefits for toddlers beyond just keeping them entertained. It stimulates their imagination, enhances fine motor skills, promotes creativity, and fosters cognitive development. Moreover, crafting provides an opportunity for meaningful bonding between parent and child, as you work together to bring your artistic visions to life.
When it comes to crafting with toddlers, simplicity is key. Choose activities that are age-appropriate, easy to set up, and allow for plenty of exploration and creativity. Now that I have 2 kids, I don't have much time to set up extravagant, detailed crafts. I usually grab something from around the house that we already have, such as paint or buy a premade kit for them to do. If you use paints, make sure you choose washable paints, like theses crayola ones, in case they get them on clothing or use a crafting apron, like this Little Helper Apron. These crafts sticks are also great and are less messy!

Currently, our favorite premade kits are the jackinthebox Junior kit. They are very budget friendly (around $15-$20), include 3-6 crafts, and are usually pretty straightforward and easy to do. My daughter who is 4, can easily do them. She usually requires assistance from me, but still enjoys them all the same. My son, who is 2, hasn't quite acquired the motor skills yet to do many of the kits, but he still enjoys "helping"his sister with the crafts and it's fun for him too! We recently completed the butterfly box and have done the unicorn box in the last also. Both boxes were a big hit!
Another "crafting" idea that is good for lots of ages is Playdoh. Roll out some playdough and let your toddler use cookie cutters, rolling pins, and other tools to create shapes and designs. Not only is playdough great for developing fine motor skills, but it also provides sensory stimulation. The Playdoh kits are great too! Our current favorite is this pizza kit. My daughter loves to create pizzas for all her dollhouse dolls!

Crafting with toddlers can be messy and chaotic at times, but with a little preparation and patience, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Here are some tips for making the experience enjoyable for both you and your little one:
1. Embrace the mess: Accept that crafting with toddlers will inevitably result in a mess, and try to relax and enjoy the process rather than stressing about the cleanup.
2. Keep it short and sweet: Toddlers have short attention spans, so keep crafting sessions brief and focused to prevent frustration and boredom.
3. Offer plenty of praise and encouragement: Celebrate your toddler’s artistic efforts and praise them for their creativity and imagination. Positive reinforcement will boost their confidence and make them eager to explore new crafting adventures.
4. Focus on the process, not the product: Remember that the goal of crafting with toddlers is not to create perfect masterpieces, but rather to enjoy the process of exploration and creativity. Let go of any expectations of perfection and embrace the joy of making memories together.

Crafting with toddlers is a delightful adventure filled with laughter, imagination, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re finger painting, doing craft kits, or playdoh art, the experience of creating together is sure to strengthen your bond and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. So gather your supplies, unleash your creativity, and embark on a magical crafting journey with your little one today!